Why I take spoon of APPLE VINEGAR every morning?
"Folk Medicine" by D.Jarvis 1959
Why I drink spoon of APPLE VINEGAR every morning before my
Do you know anything about Apple Vinegar? Let me tell you.
I never had pimples or acne in my life before 24. But then
after the first one, it covers all my face. First of all, of course you should
NEVER touch it. Better go to dermatologist and they will help you. The second
and very important, it is the presence of parasites in the body. There are
several most visible signs: various acne and pimples, skin roughness, different
spots, early wrinkles, cracks formed on his heels, breaking and peeling nails,
all indicate the presence of parasites in the human body, its toxicity waste
products intruders. Infestation results in frequent acute respiratory
infections and sore throats, sinusitis and tonsillitis, snoring during sleep
and gnashing of teeth.
However even if you do not have this apparent reason, Malic
acid has a positive effect on the skin, strengthens the heart muscle and
vascular walls. It contains a lot of potassium needed for generating energy and
proper functioning of the nervous system. Regular consumption of this natural
medicine helps to reduce weight, normalize metabolism and improve the
livelihoods of the whole organism. Also malic acid converts the energy reserves
of life and energy into glycogen, which is deposited in the cell structures
"in reserve", and, if necessary, can always be used to improve the
performance of a particular organ.
You can read more about it in "Folk medicine" byD. Jarvis from 1959.
Time magazine. December 28, 1959. Retrieved 2010-02-24. Dr.
Jarvis prescribes vinegar (always the apple-cider variety, raw and unfiltered)
for all comers. The vinegar can be taken straight or diluted in water. But for
maximum efficacy, he insists that it be mixed with honey-a sort of
sweet-'n'-sour, yang-and-yin combination. »
WARNING! Absolutely contraindicated treatment vinegar
patients with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, gastritis hypersecretory
form, acute or chronic hepatitis and nephritis, urolithiasis, nephrosis.
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